Saturday, 8 March 2014

Marchhhhy March

Hey ho! Anddddddd I'm back once again....

Life has been great and smooth and perfect and I'm blessed.

So......... here's the thing. I have a love-hate relationship with my job right now. Like, I'm completely fine if I'm in my favourite zone. But once I get thrown to the Fitting Room, OMG??? I just feel like dyin'??? Some customers really tick me off. AND ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY BRING GAZILLION FREAKIN CLOTHES TO TRY ON???? Like what the fuck? They ended up buying one and two ONLY. It's stupid how they hog the fitting room and mess everything up. Some of them are just so snobbish? SOMETIMES I'M SO DONE HAHAAHAHAH (only for that moment of time haahhaahahahaha)
Nevertheless.... I love my colleagues, I love the place, I love the job benefits. It's awesomeeee.

I'm done with my first year in poly!!! AND IT IS THE HOLIDAYS RIGHT NOW AND I'M SO EXCITED! I have a lot of things to look forward to. Makes me wanna squeal. It's such a bummer that I didn't go for my Y1S2'S chalet few days back. But it's okay!!!! Staycation with my babygirlsssss this coming April. YAY


Can't wait to spend my time with them. Heheehehehe.

So I was lookin' thru my camera roll and I found this. HAHAHAAHAHH we ate Tabasco as a challenge and yeah, it was super duper HOT. My lips were literally on fire. Yeah, can't wait to make more silly videos with them soon!!!!!!!!!!!1  

And how Fauzi and I went to Nene Chicken for the very first time and oh my gosh, it's so delish, I can keep on eating and eating and eating and never get sick of it. Hehe.

Ok, basically I spent most of my days with the boy. Eating. All. Day. 

Time to dig photos of him. NYEHEEHHEHEHEHE.

NOTHING IS EVER COMPLETE WITHOUT A VIDEO...... and an old photo of the boy RIGHT?? *evil laughter*

Hehehe, I love you ok.

Such a sweetheart. He still makes my heart flutter all the time. Always get that butterflies in my stomach when I see him. So much love for my lovely boy hehe loveyou